MB Messenger - 5/23/23

In this Issue:
WPS, PTA, Town of Wilton Calendars: https://www.middlebrookpta.org/calendar-of-pta-events
Please note upcoming events such as
BOE Meetings: LINK . YouTube - Wilton Educational TV
Book Fair
Mindful Art
8th Grade Dance
Final Board Meeting
End of Year Teacher Lunch
Soaring Ahead
Ice Cream Social
Pride Parade and Windows/Adopt A Shop
Year End Spirit Wear
Teacher Appreciation
Schoology: Did you know you can sync your calendar and view the six day rotation on Schoology? Schedules are also available in PowerSchool. More information here: https://www.middlebrookpta.org/info-powerschool-procedures-more
PTA Meetings: https://www.middlebrookpta.org/meeting-info
Upcoming Events

Book Fair
Main Street Books never fails to supply a wide variety of fiction and nonfiction titles over 8,000 books- from the latest picture books to the most recent New York Times best sellers.
Happening Now! The annual spring book fair will be held in the LLC from May 22 through noon on May 26. The fair will be open during the grade 8 concert on May 24. We need volunteers! Please sign up!

Mindful Art
Join us tomorrow afternoon! Wed, May 24th $28 at Norwalk Art Space 4:30-6:30pm. Start with a tour of the gallery and current exhibits. Explore the mission of this gem of an art space whose mission is to increase opportunities and equity in the local arts community.Engage in mindful art activities that connect with the art in the gallery and will become your own unique piece. Light snack foods will be served at the event.
Up next! Wed, May 31st Free at Middlebrook 3-4:30pm. Be inspired by ink drop art

8th Grade Farewell Dance
The 8th Grade Dance is on June 9th from 6-8pm. Thanks to everyone who has purchased tickets, volunteered, and submitted photos so far! MB PTA and the Dance Committee appreciate those attending to purchase tickets by May 31st to help us plan for this fun event. 8th Grade families are asked to please submit kindergarten photos for inclusion in the event displays.
We need 7th (and 6th are welcome!) Grade families to help chaperone for the event. Please find information and links to purchase tickets, volunteer, and submit photos here: https://www.middlebrookpta.org/8thgradedance

Final Board Meeting
Agenda to follow. Includes board slate and more! Please join us.

Soaring Ahead
We need volunteers to help decorate June 14th.

Ice Cream Social
Ice Cream Social will be held on the last day during school, Friday, June 16th, for all grades. We need volunteers to help

Spirit Wear
See 8th grade signs and more!

Wilton Pride
Join us June 10th at the Pride Celebration.
PTA News
Thank you for all you do to support each other, our community, our teachers and administrators, our schools, and our children.
Gifts and Grants
Last meeting we approved about $13k in grants for Middlebrook programs and initiatives. See more on the Gifts and Grants page.
From our Wilton community, we are thrilled to acknowledge generous organizations like Turnover Shop and corporate sponsors like Devan Chevrolet Buick of Wilton. You can still donate to help with these efforts and more that we can do here. Thank you!
Harper C was a National PTA Reflections winner! Congratulations Harper on your National Award of Merit in the Middle School Literature category! All CT State level PTA Reflections winners were honored on Wednesday night at Fairfield Woods Middle School. We are so proud of Harper, Allison P, Yihan L, Makayla B, and Shia B for their representation of Middlebrook School!
Stay tuned for information on a school display of student work!
Teacher Appreciation
Thanks to everyone who donated and assisted us in planning and hosting (Farah M, Kara B, Rosy M) Teacher Appreciation Week. We encourage everyone to send in their thank yous in their own way and we had a wonderful lunch featuring handmade arepas, salads, and fixings and a flower bar for teachers to bring some color to their class or home. We refilled the lounge with coffee, snacks, and treats. We were inspired by the many ways the Wilton community expressed their gratitude and recognition for our teacher community, we saw kindness rocks, note collections, and more. We are truly grateful for "The Brook". We will also host an end of year lunch catered by Wilton Deli on June 12th.
PTA Membership is Still Open
Thank you to all who have joined the PTA as a member this year. We invite you to join and learn more about the many ways to support the PTA and our Middlebrook community.
Please find more information about the PTA and how to join here:
Thanks you to our many volunteers! We could not do what we do without you and this is a wonderful way to support MB, learn more about MB by participating in activities, and meet or work with others. If you are interested in volunteering for upcoming events and/or for the PTA next year we need you! All are welcome. Please fill out the form on this page https://www.middlebrookpta.org/board-committees or email michelle.mbpta@gmail.com.
Volunteers for events where they may assist when Wilton Public Schools staff members are NOT present at some point are asked to please register for a background check through WPS. It can take a couple of weeks and volunteers are asked to please register as soon as possible with WPS. The information for this process is here: https://wiltonps.org/351504_2 .
Executive Committee -
We are looking for Executive Committee members for next year. If you are excited to learn more about MB, get involved in the school, and are ready to bring your ideas and efforts to help our wonderful MB community, we want to hear from you! Please fill out the form at: https://www.middlebrookpta.org/board-committees .
Project Adventure
Join our wonderful team of volunteers that help with Project Adventure, the indoor and outdoor and outdoor climbing program at Middlebrook. Please email Renee Rafferty (raffertyrenee@gmail.com) if you are interested in volunteering to belay. There is training. More about Project Adventure: https://goodmorningwilton.com/climbing-to-new-heights-of-self-confidence-and-accomplishment-at-middlebrook-video/. Heather Schlitz (schlitzh@wiltonps.org), Middlebrook Physical Education Teacher, can also answer questions about this wonderful program generally.
Hospitality & Other Areas
If you are interested in any other areas such as Hospitality or Fundraising, we would like to add to these teams for upcoming events and programs. Please review opportunities here: https://www.middlebrookpta.org/board-committees
School News
WPS Website and App
Please review the new website and mobile application and WPS/MB guides. The Parent Resources page and the new app have been helpful this year for finding all of the apps we use, menus, handbooks, questions on communication platforms like School Messenger. Please enjoy these links to explore.
Yearbook ordering has been extended! Please email garciaj@wiltonps.org with any questions. Reminder- there will NOT be yearbooks available for purchase in June, so all orders must be placed early. If you have already ordered, please disregard.
Order at : ybpay.lifetouch.com
Enter code: 14048623
BOE Meetings Upcoming
Internet Safety and Digital Well-Being Resources for Parents and Partnership with Bark
This webpage includes the recording of the December Webinars as well as resources provided during the presentation on research, strategies and tools to help parents.
Presentation on the Math Curriculum at a recent BOE Meeting:
Contact Middlebrook and Quick Links
131 School Road, Wilton, CT 06897
(203) 762-8388 District Calendar
Chartwells: 203-834-4990 x5221
Bus Transportation: 203.762.3381 x8295
Wilton Board of Education
Community News
Trackside Programs
Trackside offers a variety of special events and after school programs. After school programs are led by high school students & are open to middle school students and up. Programs run in 4 sessions: Fall, Winter, Spring & Summer. Each session is typically 8-10 weeks long. Sessions meet once a week, after school from 3:30-5:15p. Students can walk or take bus 7 from Middlebrook.
Turnover Shop
Founded over 75 years ago by a group of volunteers dedicated to serving the needs of the community, The Turnover has kept that tradition of service and generosity alive as we have evolved to serve each generation. Our merchandise is reflective of every life style and current fashion, and our current team of over 130 volunteers remain committed to the prospect of always being creative and innovative. Thousands of satisfied customers continue to validate their hard work. We carry a full line of women’s, men’s and children’s clothing, shoes, antiques, housewares, games, books, jewelry, and small furnishings.
Feel free to stop by the shop or email Turnoverfrontdesk@gmail.com for more information.
Wilton Youth Council
in Partnership with WPS, Wilton Library and more!

The PTA's mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.