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Messenger Update - 9/14/22



Upcoming Events

Picture Day - Thursday 9/15/22

PTA Meeting - Thursday 9/15/22 9:30 am

Movie Night - Friday 9/16/22

Join us this Friday, September 16th at Comstock for a Free Family Movie Night

Bring a picnic blanket. Enjoy some lawn games before the movie. Students must be accompanied by an adult. This is not a drop off event. Thanks to our co-sponosor Trackside. Check out their awesome Fall programs. Please register.

6th Grade Activity Night Friday 9/30/22

Thanks to everyone who has volunteered so far for this fun night. Volunteers are still needed for organizing/chair and for the event. Volunteer here or email

We an amazing DJ lined up. More details to follow.

7th Grade Activity Night Friday 10/14/22

Calling all Parent Volunteers! We need your help to host an Activity Fun Night for our 7th Graders at Middlebrook. It’s an exciting night for our 7th graders to come to school after hours and socialize with their peers – a DJ, raffle prizes, games and snacks are all available for their enjoyment. Please see the specific needs here and please sign up where you can! For any questions, email Jennifer Enman, Thank you in advance for helping out!


School News

WPS Website and App

Please review the new website and mobile application and WPS/MB guides.


Saturday, September 24th, 4-9 pm. Outfield of JV Baseball Field This month, the Wilton High School Athletic Department will host its First Annual Wilton FanFest, a community-wide celebration of town athleticism, excellence in competition, sportsmanship, and appreciation of all Wilton sports teams. The purpose of this event is to engage the entire Wilton sports community and build a culture of camaraderie and support amongst all Warriors.

Please purchase a ticket for this event. Tickets include music, entertainment, and activities for all ages.


Special Announcements


Thanks you to our many volunteers! We could not do what we do without you. If you are interested in volunteering for upcoming events and/or for the PTA next year we need you! All are welcome. Please fill out the form on this page or email

BTS Messenger Back to School Messenger


Contact Middlebrook and Quick Links

131 School Road, Wilton, CT 06897

(203) 762-8388 District Calendar​​

Chartwells: 203-834-4990 x5221

Bus Transportation: 203.762.3381 x8295

Wilton Board of Education


Community News

Turnover Shop

Founded over 75 years ago by a group of volunteers dedicated to serving the needs of the community, The Turnover has kept that tradition of service and generosity alive as we have evolved to serve each generation. Our merchandise is reflective of every life style and current fashion, and our current team of over 130 volunteers remain committed to the prospect of always being creative and innovative. Thousands of satisfied customers continue to validate their hard work.

We carry a full line of women’s, men’s and children’s clothing, shoes, antiques, housewares, games, books, jewelry, and small furnishings.

Volunteer opportunities are available and the most popular way to volunteer and be part of the Turnover Shop community effort is to work one or two shifts of three hours each month. Feel free to stop by the shop or email for more information.


The Rotary Club of Wilton together with the Knights of Columbus Bishop Fenwick Assembly 100 will host its family carnival from Sept. 16-18, 2022 after a 3 year pause. The carnival will be held at the corner of School Road and Route 7. Carnival hours are: Friday, Sept. 16, 6-10 p.m., Saturday Sept. 17, 12- 10 p.m., and Sunday Sept. 18, 12–5 p.m.

The Carnival is a great family event and a wonderful way to kick of the autumn season and new school year for the youngsters! The event will offer over a dozen different rides for all ages as well as multiple games and other activities for the whole family. Additionally, there will be a variety of food trucks and food vendors throughout the weekend event.

Admission and parking is free. Wristbands for unlimited rides will be sold for $30 per wristband for each time slot. Individual ride tickets are also available. Volunteers from the Wilton Rotary Club and Knight of Columbus will be overseeing the ticket booth and assisting with wristbands.

All proceeds from the carnival will go back into the community to support projects in Wilton as well as global humanitarian programs led by Rotary International. Rotary Club of Wilton is a service club of volunteers with a goal of providing support and funding for local community improvement projects, non-profit agencies, youth leadership initiatives, international humanitarian programs, and polio eradication worldwide.


The PTA's mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.


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