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The activation codes for the Parent Portal on Power School are sent to all new parents to the email address designated by the parents as the primary one. If you did not see the email, check your spam or junk folder. Still no luck? Give the office a call. Power school manages the demographic data of our students, tracks grades, sends out progress reports and maintains your emergency contact information. In addition, it will be used to communicate team assignments prior to the start of the school year. Log in here:
Schoology is the learning management system for the district. Both students and parents/guardians are assigned Schoology accounts. You can learn more about creating a parent account here: PRESENTATION LINK and at https://www.wiltonps.org/departments/digital-learning/schoology-support-for-parents. You can reach out to Fran Kompar, Director of Digital Learning, komparf@wiltonps.org, with questions. You can find lots of valuable information to support your student such as the Middlebrook Six Day Rotation, assignments, grades, and much more. You can configure email notifications in Schoology Settings and update for progress and and assignments and subscribe to the Schoology calendar by URL on your calendar of preference such as Google or iCal.
All drop-off and pick-up is at the rear canopy of Middlebrook. Click here for a graphic showing how it all works! New diagram and updates to follow.
If you need to pick your student up early, make sure to send a note in with your student. Your student will then turn that note in for a pass, which allows them to leave school at the arranged time. You will meet your student in the main office. Middlebrook does not use School Dismissal Manager.
The school lunch program is managed by Chartwells, which gives you the option of setting up an online account to manage your student's balance at www.myschoolbucks.com. In addition, there is a great app for the school menus called Nutrislice, which is usually more current than the menus posted on the school website. Download the app for apple and android devices, and choose the Wilton School District. Alternatively, you can visit the district nutrislice website at wilton.nutrislice.com.
Be sure to label all your child’s belongings. Incredible quantities of sweatshirts, sweaters, jackets, hats, gloves, water bottles and lunchboxes (not to mention books, glasses, and even instrument cases!) end up in lost property every year. Lost & Found is located in the cafeteria, so encourage your students to look around when something goes missing. There is an additional Lost & Found located at the bus barn for all those items left behind on buses.