These are opportunities to help both at specific times of the year as well as throughout the year. If you would like to help with any of these committees, please contact the chairs listed in the descriptions.
Photo Day
We’re looking for volunteers to ensure Photo Day 2017 runs smoothly. If you’re available to volunteer for two hours in September to help photographers and students get the shots just right, please contact Dana Quick.
Media Center/Library
Our volunteers work in the library - shifts are very flexible, so just pick the time and day that works best for you! It can be weekly/biweekly/monthly, or periodically throughout the year.
Science & Engineering Fair
This annual event relies on volunteers for success! If you would like to help out, please contact Allison Norful for more information. The fair takes place January 30 (February 1 snow date) and is thoroughly enjoyed by students and parents alike.
Book Fair
Come browse the selection and help man the bookfair in early December or May! Work times are flexible and it's a great way to see what our kids are reading.
Project Adventure
Here’s one of the few opportunities to work directly with your Middlebrook child! The Middlebrook PE Department offers climbing, swinging and belaying on an outdoor ropes course in Fall and Spring and indoor during Winter. Adult volunteers assist children with belaying on the courses and can sign up for as much or as little time as you would like. To be involved, volunteers must take a belay training course. For further information, contact Renee Rafferty.
Sixth Grade and Seventh Grade Activity Nights
These two opportunities represent some of the very few chances you'll have to observe your middleschooler in their "native habitat"! Come chaperone these fun student social events.
Reflections Arts & Literature Competition
This student competition runs November to January (for the kids mainly, it is not constant work for chairs!). You would send letters to teachers and the principal, print and hang posters, place a collection bin for entries in the main office, hang entries at the Wilton Library, announce winners, and return work to students. Communication is through Middlebrook Messenger, posters, teacher contacts, school and PTA websites, and email blasts.
To find out more about chairing or volunteering for a committee, please see more information HERE
We genuinely appreciate the time, energy and talents that our awesome volunteers contribute to our PTA. We literally cannot function without you! Please take a moment to consider some of the opportunities shown below - there is something to fit everyone's schedule. Please contact the committee chairs listed within each description.
If you would be interested in chairing a committee, please contact Michelle Haggerty.