Gifts and Grants 2020-21
In 2020-21, the PTA made gift and grants of more than $18,000. These support needs across the school for innovative ideas from our Middlebrook teachers, administrators, and staff, and extraordinary experiences for our students. Gifts and grants are funded by community donations and fundraising and an important way that we support the schools.
Upfront Magazine
Upfront Magazine provides nonfiction articles and activities connected to current events, history, and economics. Resources are organized and provided for varying reading levels and focus on a variety of skills. There is an online platform that is easily accessible for students and teachers. Upfront subscription packages support core Social Studies and ELA standards at both the state and national levels. The online platform will be particularly helpful in helping keep students engaged during COVID restrictions like the inability to pass out paper materials.
French and Spanish online magazines
Digital learning supplements for French and Spanish that will enrich the learning experiences of kids taking French and Spanish. Digital interactive magazines with videos that bring lessons to life. Flexible reading levels. Non-fiction and authentic literature in the target language along with current events.
Shakesperience provides an introduction to Shakespeare and allows for students to participate in Shakespearean skits. This exciting program helps students truly hear the language and see it acted out.
World Language Assembly
This grant would be to fund the world language assembly for spring of 2022. A world language assembly is a great way to expose the students and staff to other cultures. It is an international field trip that doesn't require transportation.
Visiting Author
A visiting author serves to both inspire and encourage our students to understand the process of writing while also sharing the joy of reading. Thanks to the support of the Middlebrook PTA we have been lucky to have visiting authors such as: Jennifer Roy, Margaret Peterson Haddix, Gordon Korman, Jordan Sonnenblick and Kwame Alexander. More recently we have embedded the visiting author as a pinnacle event to our “Wilton Reads” programming efforts.
Song Writing Curriculum/Workshop
Students have previously enjoyed working in small groups writing parodies to known songs. This can still be a part of what they experience as a first step. This workshop experience/curriculum gives students an opportunity to write their own melody and lyrics within a chord structure, making it manageable-some of the work is already done for them.
8Red Pod Digital Information Center
We hope to share important team (and school) information with both the students on the pod as well as those at home using a slideshow that we can share on our Schoology Team page as well as on screen on the pod.
Canopy Pop Up Tents
Additional options for classroom and lunch spaces that are outdoors. For the long term, these tents would be used as options for outdoor seating (classroom, lunch, meeting space), during grade level field days and activity nights.
Birds of Prey 7th Grade assemblies
Brief Description of Item: Mr. Eyring has a collection of rare raptors (kestrels, falcons, owls) which he brings to MB and flies at each assembly. He discusses environmental issues throughout his presentation.
Team Grants
Each team receives an unrestricted gift to help support on team needs.