Middlebrook Schedule Change
Collected Information, Communication, and Updates
Friday Letters
BOE Meetings and Important Dates
Schedule Presentations and Recordings
News and Articles
Budget Presentations and Recordings
Friday Letters - Principal Higgins:
February 8, 2023
Good evening Middlebrook Parents and Guardians,
I want to provide you with an update on the Middlebrook bell schedule. We listened to the feedback from many stakeholders who expressed apprehension and concern for the proposed 80+ minute block schedule. We recognize the need to reevaluate our proposal in light of the comments we heard.
In the interest of being flexible, but still maintaining the key priorities necessary for our bell schedule, we met as a staff this week to discuss concerns and consider the best way to proceed. Our priorities include 60 minutes for math and ELA classes, combining writing and reading into one class, keeping a team model, and maintaining a full complement of STRIDE classes that meet at least 40 minutes for each class period.
While this schedule will not allow us to achieve all the priorities we laid out, we feel strongly that it will meet our top priorities and will serve our students well.
I am happy to share that the Middlebrook staff expressed overwhelming interest conceptually to a schedule that delivers 60 minute classes for math, ELA, world language, science, and social studies through the team model.
Moving forward, a group of staff members will work together to finalize a schedule that includes all the necessary details and is responsive to stakeholder feedback. We will invite parents to join the conversation and consider the benefits of a revised schedule. We will be scheduling opportunities for conversations beginning next week. Students will be involved in the process as well. Parents and guardians, please look for updates in my weekly Friday letters.
Jory Higgins, Principal Middlebrook School
February 3, 2023
“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”
– Harriet Tubman
Dear Parents and Guardians,
At the Board of Education meeting last night, I offered an in depth presentation of the new proposed schedule for Middlebrook School for the 2023-2024 school year. I hope that your questions and concerns were addressed. Here is the link: February 2, 2023 Board of Ed Presentation
On Monday, February 6 at 6:30 PM, I will host a meeting for Cider Mill parents and guardians in the MB auditorium. Parents and guardians of Middlebrook students are welcome to join as well. This presentation will be the same as the February 2 BOE presentation linked above.
Important dates:
CM Parent Meeting February 6 6:30 PM Middlebrook Auditorium (note: postponed)
BOE Meeting February 9 7:00 PM WHS Professional Library
BOE Meetings
Additionally, at the Board of Education meeting on Thursday, February 2, 2023, there will be further discussion and follow up from the presentation on December 15. BOE meetings are broadcast live on WE TV, Cablevision Channel 78. A Zoom link will be available shortly on the BOE website as well.
Important dates
BOE Meeting December 15 7:00 PM
PTA meeting January 19 9:30 AM
Parent Meeting January 20 8:30 - 9:30 AM (MB Families)
BOE meeting February 2 7:00 PM
BOE Meeting February 9 7:00 PM
CM (Cider Mill Parent Meeting)
CM Parent Meeting February 6 6:30PM Middlebrook Auditorium - POSTPONED
Dear Families,
We apologize for the very late notice, but we are postponing this evening’s parent meeting to discuss the proposed Middlebrook schedule change.
As we continue to evaluate all of the feedback that has been received, including information from the Board of Education meeting on February 2nd, we acknowledge the need to pause and review the concerns that have been expressed.
A meeting will be rescheduled at a later date. Thank you for your understanding,
Jory Higgins, Middlebrook Principal
BOE Presentation 12/15/22
BOE Meeting Presentation 12/15/22
Schedule Presentation begins at about 39:00
Presentation at PTA Meeting 1/19/23
Focus on a day in the life of a student and Skills Block Discussion.
BOE Presentation 2/2/23
BOE Meeting Presentation 2/2/23
Schedule Presentation begins at about 2:14:00
BOE Meeting Presentation 2/9/23
Schedule Presentation begins at about 2:11:00
You can also find more in Board Docs https://go.boarddocs.com/ct/wilton/Board.nsf/vpublic? on the meetings and in recordings of the meetings at https://www.youtube.com/c/WiltonEducationalTV
Members of the community are encouraged to review the information, attend meetings, and ask questions and/or offer thoughtful feedback to our administration and BOE throughout this process.
Middlebrook Principal Jory Higgins higginsj@wiltonps.org
WPS Superintendent kevin.smith@wiltonps.org
WPS BOE boe@wiltonps.org
Middlebrook Links
Teaching and Learning: Curriculum and Instruction
Course Registration and Program of Studies 2022-23
Middlebrook Clubs and Activities
2022-23 Math Program Update
Special Report: District Proposes Block Schedule at Middlebrook
SPECIAL REPORT: Middlebrook Teachers Tell GMW Why They Oppose Schedule Change
SPECIAL REPORT: Uncertainty and Divide Continue Around Middlebrook’s Proposed Schedule Change
SPECIAL REPORT: Superintendent Smith and Middlebrook Principal Higgins Answer Schedule Change Criticism
SPECIAL REPORT: One Middlebrook Teacher’s Vision of Working in Block Time
NEA Article Published: 03/04/2016
Are Block Schedules the Stress-Buster Students Need?
Please submit articles to share with our community, they will be displayed below.
LINK TO SUMBIT AN ARTICLE: https://forms.gle/EaN9kxN2NsoHnSsd9
Please: read the article, make an effort to verify that it is a credible source, post relevant content. Thank you for sharing! We will not be able to check in real time all articles submitted, if you have a concern about an article please email michelle.mbpta@gmail.com. Thank you.
LINK TO RESPONSES: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQDv3MC690-F5ZeN6jCf9jhxz3Nmr0AFdK8DyZogbhzihDb4oPXJlgzNxDi23KoldrHSVX-LpVC8c-z/pubhtml
MB Budget Workshop 1/26/23
Includes discussion of budget impact of Middlebrook schedule change and alternatives.